Popular shade tree, but needs to be well sited due to its toxicity to some other plants. The unmistakable aromatic fruit can be 2 inches in diameter and may be a mowing hazard for some. It has alternate, pinnately compound leaves that are 1 to 2 feet long. It is a popular tree for woodworking.
Pollinator Type
None (besides caterpillars)
Plant Type
Deciduous tree
4 to 9
50-100 ft
30-50 ft
Full Sun
Moisture Requirement
Medium Soil
Bloom Color
Yellow, Green
Bloom Time
April, May, June
Design Considerations
Black walnut releases a chemical, juglone, that can be toxic to some other plants, so careful selection of neighboring plants is necessary. Large fruits can dent cars in the fall.
Care and Maintenance
Do not prune in spring. Tolerant of soils with a high pH. Shows some salt tolerance.
Pest and Diseases
Establishment and Propagation
Has a deep taproot making it difficult to transplant. Plant while small after germinating in a pot.
Commercial Availability
Sometimes available.
Alternative Plant Selections
Bitternut Hickory, Shagbark Hickory
Native Status
Illinois native statewide.
Fall Color
Growth habit
Number of Caterpillars that Use this as a Host Plant