Northern/Dark Paper Wasp

Northern paper wasps (Polistes fuscatus) are intimidating-looking insects with red eyes, dark wings, and red-yellow striped abdomens. The thorax and face of this dark-colored wasp are mostly red-black, with the creases of the thorax and the head lined in a bright yellow. Northern paper wasps are typically not aggressive but will defend their nests. They will build open paper nests that resemble umbrellas in protected areas, often on building eaves or door frames.


Medium: 0.6–0.8 in (15–21 mm)

Active Periods

Year-round, peak in September

Food Source

Adults mainly feed on nectar from several plants, including goldenrod. Adults will capture and kill caterpillars and other small insects to feed to developing larvae.


They seek out protected sites, such as within the bark of a tree, in logs, or in the siding of a house. Foundresses establish a new nest in the Spring, with the workers mostly dying off in the winter.


Photo: Chase G. Mayers, Public Domain, iNaturalist

Northern paper wasp