The head and thorax of the Great Golden Digger Wasp (Sphex ichneumoneus) are deep black, with dense, velvety, golden hairs. In just the right light, it looks as if these wasps are dipped in liquid gold. The abdomen is about 2/3 orange at its upper region and deep black at its tip. The wings are an iridescent deep sapphire blue, reminiscent of the great black digger wasp. Like all solitary wasps, this species is not aggressive to humans.
The adults feed on flower nectar. Adult females will capture and paralyze katydids and crickets, bring them to their burrows, and then place them in the nest cells as food for their young.
Large: ~1 inch (15–27 mm)
Active Periods
June–October, peak in July
Food Source
Katydids and crickets, adults may drink nectar from several species
New adults emerge in the early summer, spending the winter as prepupae.