Blue-winged Scoliid Wasp

The head, thorax, and upper abdomen of the Blue-winged Scoliid Wasp (Scolia dubia) are black and hairy. But after the second abdominal segment, the wasp is a maroon-crimson with two paired short bands of yellow on the first segment of red. The wings are an iridescent midnight blue, earning this wasp its name. Females search […]
Great Golden Digger Wasp

The head and thorax of the Great Golden Digger Wasp (Sphex ichneumoneus) are deep black, with dense, velvety, golden hairs. In just the right light, it looks as if these wasps are dipped in liquid gold. The abdomen is about 2/3 orange at its upper region and deep black at its tip. The wings are […]
Great Black Digger Wasp

Great black digger wasps (Sphex pensylvanicus) have a deep, inky black bodies and iridescent blue wings. Despite the much-maligned reputation of wasps to be aggressive, these solitary wasps are rather docile and will only sting when threatened. Adults will feed on nectar. Adult females will paralyze and carry their prey back to the nest for […]
Bald-faced Hornet

Despite their common name, bald-faced hornets (Dolichovespula maculata) are actually a type of yellowjacket. Bald-faced hornets are so named for most of their bodies being lightly haired, dark black, with white markings on their face and white stripes towards the end of the abdomen. They will create large aerial paper nests (3+ feet above the […]
Northern/Dark Paper Wasp

Northern paper wasps (Polistes fuscatus) are intimidating-looking insects with red eyes, dark wings, and red-yellow striped abdomens. The thorax and face of this dark-colored wasp are mostly red-black, with the creases of the thorax and the head lined in a bright yellow. Northern paper wasps are typically not aggressive but will defend their nests. They […]